Tuesday, 23 August 2016

Human have second brain in the gut....!

Aah...! Yes may be my second brain helping me to write this OR may be my second brain giving instruction to the well known (first) brain (actual brain). Don't be amazed it's true and proven to enough extend. we do have second brain in the gut that controls most of our unconscious and conscious activities. If you are agree, then its fine and if you disagree then please answer  my questions: 'why you become grumpy when don't get food on time?' there could be multiple answer to this question but one of the key answer is gut (brain) requires food on time thus sending chemical signal to brain present.
Lets talk about the special feature of the so called second brain:
1) composed mainly of prokaryotic cell:
AMAZED...!!! yes its true bacteria prokaryotic cells are present in the gut and up to some extend controls functioning of brain.The bacteria and their environment in the gut collectively know as 'gut microbiota'.
2) Gut bacteria may be friend or bad enemies: first talk of friendship, these gut bacteria helps in digestion of the complex compound like cellulose that human body unable of. they synthesize essential amino acids (Branched chain amino acids) and vitamins (vitamin K12) that helps in body growth. At the same time few bad members of these bacteria shows pathogenic effect and disturbs the health of human host.
 3) Decides your mood: If your gut is healthy you always behave in positive way, remembered?  whenever you had digestive problems your mood was off. whenever you feel bored and depressed, Doctors and psychologist advice to have some sweet this leads to increased level of glucose in the blood which provides energy to brain, also gut bacteria get energy to perform their functions.
4) Though each individual have brain made of the same basic units (cell), the functioning of brain varies from person to person, in the same way, in human gut the abundance of particular bacteria varies from person to person thus every individual have bestowed with special gut bacterial composition

As its no more secret that gut micro-organisms are having tight relations with the brain and control most of the physiological and behavioral activities of animals including humans. To digest this concept here are some proof.

According to journalist Kathleen McAuliffe, microorganisms hack into our nervous systems. In her book she describes microbes as a 'minuscule passengers' thay act like puppet masters and manipulates how we think, feel and act. She further explains the effect of infection of Toxoplasma gondii that have the ability to affect human behavior, the patient also psychoactive symptoms and thinks about suicide. McAuliffe consider this infection in positive way and thinks, the chemical produced by microbes might be used as mind altering medicines. Let's think if such chemicals are developed then we can overcome depression and related diseases (of course it would have side-effects)

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